Monday, May 13, 2013

A Guide to Lead and Internal Auditor Training Courses

RJS Business Systems has many years of providing lead auditor training.
Director Richard Saul has seen it all when it comes to auditing, and he’s used his vast experience to work out the best way to deal with each of these situations. 

Richard's first tip is that you have to learn to add value to your reports so that management who read them will be much more inclined to act upon them. Adding your observations is one way to do this.

His second tip, and a most important one is that it is not enough to simply understand the ISO standards you are auditing against. Use the analogy of rote learning. Many people can memorise information so that they can recite it when called upon,  such as in an exam, but often they do not really understand how to apply what they learnt. In auditing it is critical to be able to assess a situation and work out which standard to apply, then determine which clause of that standard it the right one. Just knowing the rules to follow isn’t enough.
You must also use your application of these standards to help those who have the decision making power to understand the risks and benefits.

With increased competitiveness in the business environment, companies have to continuously assess their products or services and improve the quality . As a result of this competitive environment, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) says that the market for ISO internal audits has doubled over the last 10 years. So auditors are becoming more and more in demand, and so too are the skills they require.

Good auditors require good training – ideally comprehensive courses that include an interactive component so you learn skills through practical application of theory. Hand in hand with an interactive style of teaching is the requirement to work in small groups where everybody gets a chance to share ideas. The course material needs to be comprehensive. You should be able to use your material to simulate a real audit.

For corporations and larger companies, in-house training is the perfect option. Auditor training can be tailored to the specific needs of your company or those that you work for, by using  real life case studies.  An added bonus is that it’s usually a very cost effective way to train staff.

RJS Business Systems offers all of this in their lead and internal auditor training courses. Get a short video preview of their courses.